Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Score The Quiz

Political MapAs expected, I am a conservative-leaning libertarian. No shock there. Take this quiz to find out where your political philosophy lies and with which candidates that philosophy aligns with.

On a more serious note, my Dwarf Paladin Vlabba is progressing nicely. This two handed mace thing is absolutely destructive. I'm on the Hakaar server in case in of you other nerds want to go on a raid sometime.


Anonymous said...

Pretty accurate...

Moderate Conservative...

which means cut my taxes... three strikes you are out... death by hanging... and my personal favorite...

when a candidate cannot put together a clear sentence to save his life.... RE-ELECT the Mo-Fo!

Rachael said...

Populist-leaning Liberal. Huh, never would have guessed that.

Beka said...

I am moderatly liberal. Thats funny!

The Empty Nesters said...

I took the quiz in Mike's home, and scored as a hard-core conservative. Re-took the test in my home, and now I'm a populist-leaning conservative. If I keep taking the quiz, maybe I'll eventually become a liberal.

Denise said...

You know what really bugs me about your second paragraph isn't that you are a nerd -- knew that. It's that my husband likely read that, understood it, and is thinking "yeah, I gotta get on there!"