Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Afghan War

Have I mentioned that Stratfor is one of my favorite sources of geo-political information? If not, let me state it again. Stratfor's analysis is outstanding.

Its latest piece on the calculus in the Afghan War and how the insurgent and counterinsurgent military, intelligence, and political interests complement and collide with one another is very good.


Beka said...

its to bad Obama "inherited a war he didn't begin". I guess if he were George Bush in 2001, he would done the unthinkable..."sue the Taliban". If asymmetry means commitment or not...its to late...US is committed as far as "blood and tresure is concerned. This is not a Vietnam

mildad - retired said...

its to bad Obama "inherited a war he didn't begin". I guess if he were George Bush in 2001, he would done the unthinkable..."sue the Taliban". If asymmetry means commitment or not...its to late...US is committed as far as "blood and tresure is concerned. This is not a Vietnam....

Good Comment!!

PassTheChips said...