Sunday, May 31, 2009


A great movie. A great parody.


Denise said...

Funny. That's even better than the x-box one. I've read a lot about WWII and Hitler in general. The truth is, he really was an idiot. Amazing that he ever became as powerful as he was. Hitler + Satan were quite a frightening team for awhile. Good thing the adversary always lets his partners fall, huh?

Stephanie said...

Mike Fuller... Is this you? Reeder told me about your blog. It's been forever since I've seen you. She tells me that you have a fabulous wife and 3 kids and that you have moved back to AZ. I live in Utah. Highland Utah. We have 5 kids now. Come check out my blog.

PassTheChips said...

I can't believe my luck in having the Ibaraki shimaitachi both posting on my Downfall/DMCA parody post.

And Stephanie, the reason I post as PassTheChips is so that I can stay undercover. You've just let the U.S. government in on my political/economic/religious/and most importantly, running leanings.

Denise said...

Hmmm, and I thought your posted as PTC because you are greedy about your gluten-free foodstuffs. Man, you think you know someone...