Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Moons Over My Hammy Re-Redux

It's not a serious injury, but my right hamstring is very tender this morning. My Zaneless run last night was not that fast. Fast enough to not be comfortable, but not fast enough to sweat. Oh, you didn't know that I have a sweating problem? Yes, I simply don't sweat that much. This probably explains my complete bonking in any run/race that is held in temperatures over sixty degrees. My hair looks good the whole way though, so it's a trade-off.

Anyways, my right hamstring is sore. We'll see how it goes tonight on my bike. And Mo, just come out and visit and I'll push you by the creek. The only requirement is that you provide conversation based upon sentences made up of at the most two words. For example, "Daddy, duck."; "Daddy, truck"; "Daddy, horsie." And my favorite, "Daddy fast." I might let go of you when we go down the hill though.


Mo said...

I am not really comfortable calling you Daddy. Kind of feels creepy.

liz said...


Jenni said...

did you steal that from a Denny's dish?? Moons over my hammy, I remember it well.

PassTheChips said...

I did steal it. And Mo, you used to call me daddy all the time. Remember all those times you were scared when we were watching all those scary movies over the winter. You almost broke my hand a couple of times.